
Current Lab Members

​PI: Dr. Cory J. Krediet


IG: @coryjkrediet

Spirit animal? Eagle Ray  

Coffee or Tea?  Coffee

Model Organism: Exaiptasia diaphana

Lab rat and work horse for studying cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis

Hans Johnson


Spirit animal? Owl 

Coffee or TeaTea

Fun Fact about me: I can do ~35 impressions accurately!





Student Alumni

Cara DeLacluyse (Marine Science '24)

Connor Dempsey (Marine Science '24)

Josie Hook (Marine Science '24)

Daisy Wischmeyer (Marine Science '24)

Jolie Daniels (Biology '24)

Jerome Uy (Marine Science '23)

Sarina Baratta (Marine Science '22)  

Stefan Anthopoulos (Marine Science '22) - Currently a paraprofessional at Eckerd College Marine Science Department

Nelson Vayda (Marine Science '22) - Current graduate student at San Diego State University

Max Miller (Marine Science '22)

Cody Miner (Biology '21) - Currently a PhD student at UF Whitney Laboratory - Evolutionary and Developmental Biology

Brandon Rose (Marine Science '21) - Currently a MSc student at UNC-Willimington

Herbert Leavitt (Marine Science '20) - Currently in graduate school at University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Sophia MacVittie (Marine Science '19) - Currently in graduate school at UC-Merced and recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Grace Kozial (Marine Science '20)

Phillip Coker (Marine Science '20)

Trish Schranck (Marine Science '20)

Elizabeth Weatherup (Marine Science '19) ​ - Now a MSc/PhD student at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Haze Chan ​(Hong Kong Baptist University) 

Patrick May ​(Biology '19) 

​Danielle Gleason ​(Biology '18)

Eliana Sawyer ​(Marine Science '17)

Jason Baer (Marine Science and Spanish '17) - Now a PhD student at UCSD/SDSU Cellular and Molecular Biology Joint Program and recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship